Course Curriculum

  • 2

    Week 1: Getting alignment on objectives and establishing your intellectual property (IP) position

    • Week 1 Overview

    • 1a_Establishing shared objectives

    • 1b_Establishing your intellectual property (IP) position

    • Week 1 assignment: Objectives and IP

    • Week 1 Reflection

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    Week 2: Divergent exploration. What problems could your research solve?

    • Week 2 Overview

    • 2a_Divergent Ideation

    • 2b_Shortlisting opportunities

    • Week 2 quiz

    • Week 2 assignment: Submit Your Shortlist

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    Week 3: Preparing for discovery research

    • Week 3 Overview

    • 3a_Designing discovery research

    • 3b_How to recruit subjects

    • 3c_How to run an interview

    • Week 3 quiz

    • Week 3 assignment: Submit Your Interview Plan

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    Weeks 4 & 5: Conducting discovery research

    • Briefing - Discovery action weeks

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    Week 6: Reflect and select (MID program review)

    • Introduction to week 6

    • Week 6 Reflection

    • 6a_Selecting one opportunity to test

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    Week 7: Structuring your research innovation for market testing

    • Introduction to week 7

    • 7a_Developing concepts

    • 7b_Pricing concept/s

    • 7c_Visualising concept/s

    • 7d_Booking interviews

    • Week 7 quiz

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    Week 8: Preparing for market testing

    • Introduction to week 8

    • 8a_Creating a market testing plan

    • 8b_Creating a market testing guide

    • 8c_Market sizing

    • Week 8 quiz

    • Week 8 assignment: Submit Your Market Testing Plan

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    Weeks 9 & 10: Conducting market testing

    • Briefing - Testing action weeks

    • Week 10 Reflection

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    Week 11: Exploring cost, funding options and next steps

    • Introduction to week 11

    • 11a_Exploring resources needed to progress your project

    • 11b_Exploring funding options for your project

    • 11c_Basic modelling of price/cost/volume scenarios

    • Week 11 quiz

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    Week 12: Reflection and write up (program conclusion)

    • Introduction to week 12

    • 12a_Final reflection

    • 12b_Market discovery presentation deck

    • 12c_Presenting your outcomes

    • 12d_Course wrap up and next steps

Sample Course for FREE

Welcome videos, free templates, and a detailed view of the lesson plan for each week inside:

Or download the Market Discovery Course brochure here:

Download Course Brochure

Course Instructors

Matthew Frith

Matt has significant experience working with Universities and researchers to commercialise new innovation. He led the establishment and delivery of RMIT Activator's startup programs and has coached and mentored over 50 student and researcher startups. He also works with The University of Queensland's BeUpstanding research team on expanding impact creation and the long-term sustainability of their research. Matt excels at bringing clarity from complexity to help teams successfully deliver innovative social and commercial outcomes.

Damien Thomas

Damien Thomas is an industry leader in strategy and commercialisation. He has strong connections in the private, government and university sectors across Australia, Asia, USA and Europe. He has led teams in collaborating with industry through the uptake of innovation and technology. His previous clients include the Department of Industry Innovation and Science, Planet Innovation Pty Ltd, GE International, Orica International, Deakin University, Monash University and CSIRO among others.

Course Partners

Our open innovation partners provide an access point to global markets and opportunities as part of the Market Discovery Course.

Asia Open Innovation Partner: IPI Singapore

Intellectual Property Intermediary (IPI) was established under Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry. IPI focuses on industry needs and translates their innovation objectives into specific technology requirements to enable enterprises to develop new processes, products and services.

Europe Open Innovation Partner: Innoget

Innoget is the Open Innovation and Science Network for technology, knowledge and capabilities transfer. Innoget facilitates collaboration between innovation seekers and innovation suppliers such as large enterprises.